Sustainable Development Goals
Om onze samenleving van nu, maar ook onze volgende generaties een prettig leefbare wereld te kunnen bieden, zijn op veel verschillende onderwerpen nog grote verbeteringen noodzakelijk. De VN heeft deze maatschappelijke thema's vertaald naar 17 concrete doelen voor 2030; de Sustainable Development Goals. TruSteel Group draagt hieraan bij en heeft dit opgenomen in haar duurzaamheidsstrategie.
Our sustainability ambitions
Our sustainability topics focus primarily on six of the seventeen SDGs, i.e. those on which our activities have the greatest impact. These six are affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production and climate action, with the CO2 footprint as a starting point. We also aim to score high on the other Goals.
Our internal efforts
Realising our sustainability strategy also helps us to conquer our mission to create healthy living environments. Our approach includes generating renewable energy by using solar panels (from Trusteel Energy) on our own roofs, encouraging reuse and circular construction and a commitment to electric driving. In doing this, we aim to promote the reuse of buildings, products, materials and raw materials and to further reduce our CO2 emissions. We already succeeded in lowering our CO2 emissions by over 44% between 2015 and 2023.
Sustainable Development Goals
To ensure that today’s and future generations have a pleasant world in which to live, major improvements are needed in all manner of different areas. The United Nations has translated these societal topics into seventeen concrete goals for 2030 – the Sustainable Development Goals. The Trusteel Group is making its contribution and has integrated the Goals into its sustainability strategy.